Corporate Staff Ride NEWSLETTER - Staff Ride Bibliography By Date of Publication 1982-2005
July 16, 2013
Staff Ride Bibliography by Date of Publication (1982-2005)Compiled and Edited by Steven L. Ossad
Based on the USMHI Bibliography “Staff Rides” 13 September 2001
Jay Luvaas, “Military History: Is it Still Practicable.” Parameters 12 (March 1982): pp. 2-14.
"The Staff Ride Returns to Leavenworth." Army Historian (Winter 1984): pp. 5 6.
US Army, 3 Bn., 63rd Armor. “After Action Report on officer's trip to battlefields of France.” Jun 1984, 18 pp.
John D. Fuller, "Battlefield Terrain Study: Burnside's Attack Against the Confederate Right at Antietam." Army War College, 1985: 183 pp.
Jay Luvaas and Harold W. Nelson, “U.S. Army War College Historical Staff Ride, Antietam (Sharpsburg)” 1985-86: 65 pp.
US Army, Center of Military History, “Yorktown Staff Ride Handbook.”1985: 50 pp.
Gerry Gilmore, “Staff Tours Cedar Creek Battle Site.” Pentagram (9 Oct 1986): 2 pp.
Jay Luvaas and Harold W. Nelson., eds. The U.S. Army War College Guide to the Battle of Gettysburg, Carlisle, PA: South Mt, 1986, 232 p
Richard Rowe, "Military Affairs Club Conducts Gettysburg Staff Ride." Assembly 45 (Sep 1986): pp. 32 33 & 56.
US Army, Military Police School, “Military History Staff Ride of Kennesaw Mountain.” Ft. McClellan, AL, 1986: 50 pp.
Frank Cox, "Battle Reflections." Soldiers (Mar 1987): pp. 10 12.
Jay Luvaas and Harold W. Nelson, The U.S. Army War College Guide to the Battle of Antietam: The Maryland Campaign of 1862. Carlisle Barracks, PA, 1987, 310 pp.
William Robertson, “The Staff Ride”. Wash, DC, Center for Military History, 1987: 30 pp.
Joseph W. A. Whitehorne, “The Battle of New Market: Self-Guided Tour.” Wash, DC, Center for Military History, 1988: 54 pp.
Robert A. Doughty, “Studying the Operational Level of War: A Staff Ride to Sedan (1940).” Army Historian (Oct 1988): pg. 3-6
Harold W. Nelson, “What the Staff Ride Can Depict: Face of Battle, Clash of Wills and Arms, Generalship, and Cause and Effect.” Army Historian (Oct 1988): pg. 15-17
Michael W. Stephens, "Learning from Civil War Battles." Marine Corps Gazette 72 (Jun 1988):
pp. 27 28 MHI: Brief hist of USMC use of old battlefields to teach principles.
Simmons, Edwin H. "Marine Officers Refight Antietam." Marine Corps Gazette 72 (Jun 1988): pg. 30 33
Jay Luvaas, "The Staff Ride." US Army War College Alumni Association Newsletter (Summer 1988): pp. 11 16.
Billy A. Arthur, “Battle of the Bulge Staff Ride: Integrating Leader Development into
Exercises.” Army Historian (Oct 1988): pp. 7-9
Domenic R. Sette, "Staff Rides at the War College Prior to World War I: Their Use and
Effectiveness." Army War College, 1988: 24 pp.
Carl E. Vuono, “The Staff Ride: Training for Warfighting.” Army Historian (Oct 1988): 2 pp
Raymond E. Bell, Jr. “Reserve MP Brigade Studies Antietam.” Army Historian (Fall 1989): pp. 12-14.
US Army, Mississippi National Guard, HQ STARC, “Staff Ride: Vicksburg”, Jackson, MS: 1989: 193 pp.
Bruce D. Saunders, "Lessons Learned: Apache Campaign Staff Ride, Military Intelligence. (Oct Dec 1989): pp. 43 44
Jerry D. Morelock, "Using the Staff Ride for Battalion Training." Army Historian (Fall 1989):
pp. 8 10
US Army, US Army Europe, & Seventh Army, Historical. Office, “After Acton Report-OSJA Staff Ride.” 1989: 125 pp.
Stephen L. Bowman, "11th Armored Cavalry Jena Staff Ride", 1990: 35 pp.
US Army, Korea & Eighth Army. Historical Office. “Battle of Chipyong ni.” 1990: 234 pp
US Army, Korea & Eighth Army. Historical Office, “Battle of the Imjin River (Gloucester Hill), 22 25 April 1951. 1990: 635 pp.
James B. Martin, "2nd COSCOM Staff Ride Teaches History." Ordnance (May 1990): pp. 54 56.
US Army, 1st Cav Div., “1st Cavalry Division Hill 303 Terrain Walk.” 6 Nov 1998: 40 pp.
Joseph W. A. Whitehorne, “The Battle of Second Manassas: Self-Guided Tour”. Wash, DC: CMH, 1990, 70 p
Joseph W. A. Whitehorne, “The Battle of Cedar Creek: Self-Guided Tour”. Wash, DC, CMH 1990, 45 pp.
US Army, Center of Military History, “New Market Staff Ride.” 1990(?), 23 p.
Cheryl Wilfong, “Following the Nez Perce Trail”. Corvallis: OR State, 1990. 370 p.
US Army, Korea and Eighth Army, Historical Office, “Delay and Withdrawal: Task Force Smith and the 24th Division, 5 9 July 1950”, 1990, 338 pp.
Mark A. Snell, "In Lasting Tribute: The US Army at Gettysburg, Since 1863." Blue & Gray 7
(Feb 1990): pp. 30 34.
US Army, Korea and Eighth Army, Historical Office, “Pusan Perimeter, Naktong River Bulge, Aug Sep 1950.” Mar 1991, 405 pp
Joseph W. A. Whitehorne, “The Battle of Second Manassas: Self-Guided Tour, 1991: 70 pp.
US Army, Oregon National Guard Military Museum, “The Staff Ride of the Modoc War”. 1991, 20 pp.
US Army, Southern Command, Historical Office, “Staff Ride: Operation Just Cause, Task Force Bayonet”, Ft Clayton, Panama, Mar 1991, 95 pp (includes video-cassettes).
Stephen L. Herman, “The Military Staff Ride – An Understanding of Relationships not Normally
Seen”. U.S. Army War College, April 1991.
William G. Robertson, “Staff Ride Handbook for the Battle of Chickamauga, 18 20 September 1863”. Ft Leavenworth, KS: CSI, 1992. 182 pp.
Joseph W. A. Whitehorne, “The Battle of Cedar Creek: Self-Guided Tour”. Wash, DC, CMH, 1992: 48 pp.
U.S. Army, Berlin Brigade. "Staff Ride to Seelow Heights Battlefield." 1992. 25 pp.
Carl D. Springer, The Antietam Staff Ride: An Interactive, Computer-Driven Guide to the Battle of Antietam, Army War College, 1992. 109 pp.
D’Amato, John. “The Lessons of History.” Soldiers (Sep 1992): pp. 51-52, selected SGM Academy students tour site.
Mississippi Military Department. Adj Gen Office. “US Army Sergeants Major U.S. Army. Fort Belvoir. “Second Manassas Historical Battlefield Tour.” Packet & Booklet, 1992, ca 60 p. .
U.S. Army. 30th Mil Hist Det. "Battle of Nuuanu, April 1795." Dec 1992. 32 p. .
Wheaton College and Lewis Univ. Tippecanoe; A Cadet Ride Too!" Packet, Sep 1992. ca 75 p. .
U.S. Army. School of the Americas. "Kennesaw Mountain Staff Ride." Packet w/cover letter, 1992? ca 250 p. .
U.S. Army. 2075th Finance School. “Perryville Staff Ride After Action Report,” 12 Nov 1992. With inclosures. 45 p. .
US Army, Officers Advanced Course. “Fort Bowie Staff Ride.”Ft Huachuca, Oct 1992. 32 p.
U.S. Army. Center of Military History. “Kasserine Pass Battles.” 3 vols in 7 pts. 1992. ca 400
U. S. Army Medical Dept & School. Hist Off. Materials for Officer Advanced Course Staff Ride to San Jacinto battlefield. Ft Sam Houston, Jun 1992. 420 pp.
Bowman, Stephen L. "Jena Auerstadt Battlefield Staff ride packet”, Mar 1993. ca 150 p.Incls handwritten notes, maps, repro readings and CINCUSAREUR/7A. "Napoleon's Jena Campaign, 1806." Terrain walk packet (1991?) ca. 60 p.
U.S. Army, ROTC, U of Illinois, Champaign. "Cadet Ride to Tippecanoe." Aug 1993. 6 p.
Spruill, Matt. Guide to the Battle of Chickamauga. In the series U.S. Army War College Guides to… awrence, KS: U KS, 1993. 290 p. E475.81G84.
US Army, 120th Adj Gen Bn. “MOI for Sep staff ride to Chickamauga,” 12 Jul 1993. 8 pp.
U.S. Army Center of Mil History. “Gettysburg Staff Ride: Briefing Book.” 1993. 72 p.
US Army, NCO Academy. Apache Wars Staff Ride. Packet, Ft Huachuca, Dec 1993. ca. 150 p.
U.S. Army Center of Mil History. “Antietam Staff Ride: Briefing Book.” 1993 55 p.
U.S. Army. Ft. Belvoir. “Chancellorsville Historical Battlefield Tour” Packet. 1993. ca 40 p.
US Army, 13th Battalion, the Parachute Regiment. “Fibua Operations, Ardennes, Jan 1945.”
U.S. Army. Sergeants Major Academy. “Battle of Schmidt, Nov 1944” 1993, 500 pp.
US Army, Field Artillery School, "The Staff Ride Battle Book: Honey Springs." Oct 1993, 19 pp.
U.S. Army, Field Artillery School, “Pea Ridge Staff Ride.” Feb 1993, 48 pp.
U.S. Army, Center of Military History, “Wilderness Spotsylvania Staff Ride: Briefing Book.”
1993, 51 pp
George E. Knapp, “The Wilson's Creek Staff Ride and Battlefield Tour”, Ft Leavenworth, KS: CSI, 1993. 93 pp.
Plummer, Lee. "Adapting the Staff Ride at the 143d Transportation Cmd for US Army Reserve Troop Program Units." Army Hist (Spring 1994): pp. 22-24. Per.
Sullivan, Gordon R. Letter to General Officers, U.S. Army, 29 Nov 1994. 3 p. C/S's reflections after a staff ride.
Hazelwood, G.A. “British Army Staff (Washington) Staff Ride of the Battle of Brandywine, 11 September 1777.” Booklet, 48 p. .1994
_____. "Staff Ride to Jena." Army Hist (Winter 1994): pp. 1 - 4
U.S. Army Chaplain Center/School. Selected compilation of materials for Antietam staff ride, 1994. ca 125 p.
Manguso, John M. "Civil-Military Operations-At Antietam?" Army Hist (Fall 1994): pp. 26-28.
U.S. Army. Fort Belvoir. “Wilderness-Spotsylvania Historical Battlefield Tour.” Itinerary &
guidebook, 1994. ca 30 p. essentially extracts from CMH briefing book, cited above.
Cirillo, Roger. “Guide to the Kasserine Battlefields.” 1994. 45 p.
U.S. Army. ROTC, Marquette U. "Chickamauga Staff Ride." 1994. 50 pp.
U.S. Army. School of the Americas. “Outline of Subject for Discussion During the hickamauga Battlefield Staff Ride.” Memo, 1994. 7 p. .
_____. War College. Advanced Course Elective. Strategic Staff Ride [on Fredericksburg 1862 & Chancellorsville 1863 campaigns]. Itinerary (3 p), course syllabus (9 p), source readings (ca 500 p.) 1994. .
Nelson, Harold W. "Battlefield Tours: Gettysburg." Periodical 20 (Sum 1994): pp. 78-82. Per. US Army Chief of Mil Hist explains how he does it.
U.S. Army. 130th Mil Hist Det. "Monroe Crossroads Battlefield Tour." Packet, Ft Bragg, NC, Oct 1994. 14 p. .
U.S. Army Cmd & Gen Staff College. Staff Ride Team. The Gettysburg Staff Ride: Read Ahead Packet. Source book, 1994. 262 p.
U.S. Army Field Arty School. The Battle of Honey Springs. Pamphlet, Mar 94. With lesson plan (Apr 94). 82 p. .
U.S. Army Engr School. Materials for Wilson's Creek Staff Ride. Memo, 24 May 1994, 3 p.
British Forces in Hong Kong, The Battle of Kapyong Staff Ride, Apr 1994, 194 pp
Morgan, Thomas D. “Cadets at the Breaking Point.” Assembly (Nov/Dec 1995): pp. 22-23,
Crawford, Steven L., & Lapham, William J. "The Sergeants Major Course Staff Ride to Schmidt."Army Hist, Fall 1994, pp. 34-35, MHI: 5 Apr 93 visit along w/German counter parts.
Copp, Terry, Canadian's Guide To The Battlefields of Normandy, Ontario, 1994, 174 pp.
U.S. Army, Sergeants Major Academy, “Verdun Staff Ride,” 1994, 500 pp.
Bookman, John T., & Powers, Stephen T, “The March To Victory: A Guide to WWII Battlefields From London To The Rhine”, Univ of Colo, 1994, pp 280
U.S. Army, Mil Science Dept, Missouri Southern State College, "Pea Ridge ROTC Staff Ride." 1994(?), 24 pp MHI: June 1988 issue of Blue & Gray Mag, & foldout map. .
U.S. Army, Armor School, “A Guide To The Perryville, Kentucky, Civil War Battlefield,” 1994, 80 pp
Tedesco, V.J. “Saratoga Staff Ride Notecards.” Presentation, Sep, 1995. 40 p. .
Ft. Belvoir. “Tour of Fort McHenry National Monument, October 13, 1995.” Packet of misc
materials. ca 80 p. .
Shanahan, Edward P. Atlanta Campaign Staff Ride Briefing Book. Atlanta, GA: USA Reserve Cmd Historian’s Office, 1995. 117 p. .
Shanahan, Edward P. Chickamauga Staff Ride Briefing Book. Atlanta, GA: HQ, US Army Reserve Cmd, 1995. 77 p. .
_____. "Chickamauga Staff Ride Guide." Army Hist (Winter 1995): pp. 9-10. Per.
U.S. Army. Adjutant Generals School. Cmd Hist Off. “The Kentucky Campaign and the Battle of Perryville, Sep - Oct 1862.” Handbook, Jun 1995. 253 p. .
U.S. Air Force. Air University. Various materials: Itinerary, documents, & foldout map for 1995. ca 75 p. .
U.S. Army. Center of Military History. “Chancellorsville Staff Ride: Briefing Book.” n.d. 52 p. And 75 p. 1995 ed.
U.S. Army. Chaplain Center & School, “Staff Ride Information” (Antietam). 1995, 66pp.
U.S. Army, Intelligence Ctr. “Apache Wars Staff Ride Seminar.” Packet, Ft. Huachuca, Oct 1995. ca 80 p. ., Briefing slides, syllabus, bibliography.
U.S. Army. Quartermaster Ctr & Sch. Petersburg Staff Ride plan, 1995. ca 50. With readings packet, (ca 100 p.) & 4 - vol ref binders (ca 500 p.). .
U.S. Army, Soldier Support Institute, “Atlanta Campaign and the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain”, Ft. Jackson, SC, 1995, 151 pp MHI: Prep. for XVIII Airborne Corps & Ft. Bragg
Larson, Robert. "A Staff Ride to the Franco-Prussian War Battlefields of Spicheren, Mars-La-Tour and St. Privat." Report, Lycoming College, 1995? 7 p. .
U.S. Army Soldier Support Center. Cmd Hist Off. Various materials. Memo, 15 Jun 1995, 2 p., Handbook, 1991, 99 p. Terrain walk w/ script, 75 p., Readings, 15
Bowra, Kenneth R. "Staff Ride to El Alamein." Army Hist (Spring/Summer 1995): pp. 1-4.
_____. “Second Manassas Historical Battlefield Tour.” Packet, 1996. ca. 30 p. .
Extracts of 1996 staff ride to Vicksburg by unknown host and source. 21 p. .
U.S. Army. CGSC. The Cowpens Staff Ride and Battlefield Tour. Ft. Leavenworth, KS: CSI,
CGSC, 1996. 208 p. E241C9M66.
Luvaas, Jay, Fullenkamp, Leonard, & Bowman, Stephen L. Guide to the Battle of Shiloh. In the
series US Army War College Guides to… Lawrence, KS: U KS, 1996. 253 p. E473.54G85.
McCarley, Britt. Informal report on Fredericksburg staff ride. E-mail print, 12 Jun 1996. 1 p.
Brann, James R. “Modoc Indian War, 1873: A Battle Staff Ride for Company Leaders.” Inf
86 (Sep/Oct 1996): pp. 37-39. Per.
U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy. “Staff Ride Battle of the Ardennes, 16 Dec – Jan 1945.”
Memo, 9 May 1996, and packet. 27 p. . Also ca 300 p. handbook.
Belew, Kenneth. Cavalry Clash in the Sandhills: The Battle of Monroe’s Crossroads, North Carolina, 10 March 1865. Lincoln, NE: Natl Park Svce, 1997. 99 p. Ee477.7B24 &.
_____. Garrison. “Chancellorsville Historical Battlefield Tour.: Packet, 1997. ca 40 p.
U.S. Army. 1st Inf Div. “Staff Ride Tunisia.” Booklet after-the-fact, 1997. ca 40 p.
U.S. Army. Fort Belvoir. “Fredericksburg Historical Battlefield Tour.” Participants’ Info Packet,. 1991. ca 50 p. And 1997 version, ca 70 p.
Rauch, Steven J. “Staff Ride Handbook for the Battle of Yorktown, 28 September to 19 October , 1781.” Ft. Lee, VA: 4th Training Spt Bn, 1998. 119 p. .
Whitehorne, Joseph W.A. The Battle of New Market: Self-Guided Tour. Wash, DC: CMH, 1998. 54 p.
Fullenkamp, Len., Bowman, Stephen, & Luvaas, Jay, eds. Guide to the Vicksburg Campaign. In the series U.S. Army War College Guides to… Lawrence, KS: U KS, 1998. 482 p MHI: extracts of the draft text, notes and USGS maps used in the preparation of this study
Little, Thomas D. “Logistics Staff Ride to Tunisia.” Army Log 33 (May/Jun 2001): pp. 30-32
Robertson, William G, “The Staff Ride”, US Army Combat Studies Institute, 2001, 32 pp., reprint of 1987 booklet
Ballard, Ted, “Battle of Ball’s Bluff”, CMH, 2001, 74 pp.
Keith B. Snyder, “Training Tomorrow’s Strategic Leaders: Preservation and Military Education at Antietam National Battlefield,” US Army War College Study, April 2003, 44pp.
Ted Ballard , Battle of First Bull Run, (2004; 92 pp., maps, illustrations, further readings). CMH Pub 35-2-1, paper, GPO S/N 008-029-00389-1.
Defense Studies, “Special Issue: The relevance and role of Military History, Battlefield Tours and Staff Rides for Armed Forces in the 21st Century.”, ed. David Ian Hall, Volume 5, Number (London March 2005),
Eugenia C. Kiesling, “The United States Army’s Historical Staff Rides: History and Historiography”, pp. 48-58
No Date
Rauch, Steven J. “War for the Northwest: A History and Tour Guide of the War of 1812 Campaigns in Michigan, Ohio, and Canada.” Booklet, n.d. 58 p. .
U.S. Army. Air Defense Arty Sch. Officer Advanced Course. “The Civil War Campaign in New Mexico and the Battle of Glorieta Pass.” Ft. Bliss, TX: ADA Sch, n.d. 40 p.
U.S. Army Finance School. Officer Advanced Course. “The Kentucky Campaign and the Battle of Perryville, September-October 1862.” Booklet, n.d. 265 p. .
U.S. Army. Fort Belvoir. “Antietam Historical Battlefield Tour: Participants’ Information Packet.”ca. 70 p. .
U.S. Army. Center of Military History. “First Bull Run Staff Ride: Briefing Book.” 55 pg., Fredericksburg Staff Ride: Briefing Book.” 65 p., “Second Bull Run Staff Ride: Briefing Boo k.” 62 p.
U.S. Army. Chemical School. Staff Ride Materials for the Battles of Chickamauga and Kennesaw Mountain.
Military Police School, Officer Advanced Class “Staff Ride to Chickamauga
U.S. Army. Sergeants’ Majors Academy. “Little Big Horn & Rosebud.” Packet, Ft. Bliss, 500 p. .
U.S. Army. Test & Evaluation Command. “Chancellorsville Battlefield Staff Ride.”
U.S. Army. Test & Evaluation Command. “1st Manassas Battlefield Staff Ride” Read-Ahead Packet, n.d. 111 p. .
U.S. Army. Training and Doctrine Command. “Petersburg Battlefields Staff Ride.” Ft. Monroe, VA: Read-Ahead Packet, n.d. 88 p.